A few months ago Dr. Ron and I surveyed 384 of you about all the ways your life has changed since you became a mother. Your heart is pouring so much of yourself into your children, that in other parts of your life you are running on empty. You let us know that clutter, lack of energy due to sleep deprivation, too little "me" time, and sporadic exercise, and a less than robust sex life are issues that concern you.
There is a natural progression in these three areas don't you think? If your environment is cluttered and disorganized you become scattered and lethargic within, making it pretty tough to exercise, meditate, or any of the things that energize you. I know this first hand. Last week I had a session with my own coach about this very thing. My office had become a literal quagmire and my head was on backwards. It was beginning to show up in my work and other places in my life. Some environmental and psychological de-clutttering put things to right again.
If you have no energy, there isn't much chance for wonderful, connected, energetic sex. I understand how this begins to feel like the hamster wheel, going round and round, not getting anywhere.
Based on the survey requests there is an exciting program of group discussions, exercises, resources, and real time outcomes forming in my head How about Junky June for de-cluttering and clearing the energy drainers in your house? Perhaps, July Jewels focused on your self care, "me time" and solitude? And finally, Hot August Nights for putting some weekly spice in your sexual and romantic life? Since you would be the Beta Group - the first ones to participate - and because Dr. Ron and I would be using your insight and feedback to grow the program, it will be VERY affordable, I promise! Would you like to make progress in the areas of clutter, energy, and sex this summer? If you are interested, send me an e-mail at beth.madigan@cox.net with "3 Free" in the subject line. I will send you more details about the fun that is planned and as a bonus I will send you articles on Clutter, Energy, and Sex. Get off the hamster wheel! Let's do something different and hugely fun and effective together this summer! There's POWER in women together
There is a natural progression in these three areas don't you think? If your environment is cluttered and disorganized you become scattered and lethargic within, making it pretty tough to exercise, meditate, or any of the things that energize you. I know this first hand. Last week I had a session with my own coach about this very thing. My office had become a literal quagmire and my head was on backwards. It was beginning to show up in my work and other places in my life. Some environmental and psychological de-clutttering put things to right again.
If you have no energy, there isn't much chance for wonderful, connected, energetic sex. I understand how this begins to feel like the hamster wheel, going round and round, not getting anywhere.
Based on the survey requests there is an exciting program of group discussions, exercises, resources, and real time outcomes forming in my head How about Junky June for de-cluttering and clearing the energy drainers in your house? Perhaps, July Jewels focused on your self care, "me time" and solitude? And finally, Hot August Nights for putting some weekly spice in your sexual and romantic life? Since you would be the Beta Group - the first ones to participate - and because Dr. Ron and I would be using your insight and feedback to grow the program, it will be VERY affordable, I promise! Would you like to make progress in the areas of clutter, energy, and sex this summer? If you are interested, send me an e-mail at beth.madigan@cox.net with "3 Free" in the subject line. I will send you more details about the fun that is planned and as a bonus I will send you articles on Clutter, Energy, and Sex. Get off the hamster wheel! Let's do something different and hugely fun and effective together this summer! There's POWER in women together