old ways, but it’s that place in between that we fear. It’s like being
in between trapezes. It’s Linus when his blanket is in the dryer.
There’s nothing to hold on to." – Marilyn Ferguson –
I have listened to the swirl of conversation in the past few weeks. Buy. Sell. Hold out and stick. More government. Less government. Raise taxes. Lower taxes. Free market. Wealth distribution. Fairness. I know many of you are struggling financially. My own financial picture has changed as a result of the market chaos. I was a little panicky (okay – a lot panicky) for a few days.
Steve Forbes was on a news show I was watching, talking about this distorted view we have developed – as if there is a pie – and only one pie. Then he made a statement that brought tears to my eyes and helped to change my perspective and calm my fears. Abundance and wealth are not contained in a pie that we must struggle to get slivers or slices from. They are limitless.
The Way I See Things, this is completely true. Our God is a God of abundance and generosity. He never experiences need, lack, or shortage. The world is an infinitely abundant place! There is plenty for EVERYONE and always more available. Even if all of my money disappears it does not demonstrate lack or scarcity in the world, and I have been given resources and skills to help meet my needs. And money does not define my wealth. Do you, like me, love being outside in this beautiful fall weather? Do you have health , friends and family who care for you, a job, a comfortable home, a dependable car, food on your table, a sense of purpose to your life? Are you moved by beauty or tragedy or the needs and misfortune of others? Do you laugh and cry with ease? You are rich indeed.
Read the rest of the article and post your thoughts!