Have you been thinking about journaling? Would you like to be a more consistent journaler? Do you get stuck when you start to write? Come fire your imagination and creativity. Take a mini sabbatical and see what magical things can come in just three hours of uninterrupted time for YOU.
In this workshop you will:
- Discover the benefits and power of journaling. Did you know it reduces stress?
- Get quiet and still. Quiet the monkey mind chatter, Ahhhh!
- Engage in a meditation to prepare you to write. Just let your mind drift – no agenda or time constraints
- Learn a wonderful technique for discovering what’s most important to explore and write about.
- Do some journaling!
- Get a worksheet and suggestions to keep you going
We will take our mini sabbatical via telephone. If you have not done this before no worries – it is easy and fun. You can curl up in your favorite quiet spot with your journal, a cup of tea, and you can do it in your sweats or jammies!
I am offering two time choices so you can ALL participate.
Thursday January 8, 2009 from 6-9 p.m. Mountain Time (8-11 Eastern Time)
Saturday January 10, 2009 from 8-11 a.m. Mountain Time (10-1 Eastern Time)
The cost is $20.00
There are a limited number of spaces on the bridge line so call 602.626.8036 or e-mail beth.madigan@cox.net today to reserve your space.
“I want to write but more than that
I want to bring out all kinds of things
that lie buried in my heart.”
- Anne Frank –