Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Aunt Irma's Lesson

“Sweetheart, Grandma is trapped inside her own head. She lives there all the time now. Much of what is in there is not pleasant. She had some hard times in her life and did not respond well to her circumstances. Many of her relationships have been damaged and broken and never repaired. We don’t know what is going to happen to us or how we will die. Someday you might have to live inside your head. Make sure you live well. Create a place in your head and heart you would like to spend time in. Remember that you are always making memories. Be happy. Help others. Follow God. Spread love. Do your best.”

Read the entire article (If it is not there yet, check back. My web guy is on vacation but will get it up soon!) Come back and post your greatest life lesson to date. When did you learn it? Who taught you? How has it impacted you? Have you passed it on to anyone else?

Thursday, December 11, 2008

It's OK - You Don't Have To

I am wanting clarity, for things to make sense, to KNOW what I am to be doing, and to be SURE I am on the right track. Don’t we all want the answers? Don’t you find yourself working events and situations around and around, over and over? Are you sometimes distrustful that things will occur in the way and time that they are meant to? Or that they will occur EVER?

Read the entire article here. If you are not a subscriber we would love to have you join us. It's FREE so come join the community.

Contemplate these Appreciative Inquiries in your quiet time or in your journal. Don't journal? Not sure how to get going? Look below for the Journaling Workshop and come along!

Think of a highpoint in life - a time when you felt most alive, engaged, inspired, or successful. Who was involved? What made it a highpoint? What was happening? How did you feel?

That should get you started. There will be more Appreciateve Inquiries so keep checking back. Be sure to post your ponderings, writings, experiences.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


As you plan, shop, prepare and party I hope you are setting aside some time to get quiet.

T.he W.ay T.hings this is the reason for the season and such a gorgeous rendition by

two of the world's great talents. Enjoy! May God richly bless you and yours.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


We spent 450 billion dollars for Christmas, Hannukah, Kwanza and other holiday gift giving last year. Who doesn't love to give and recieve lovely gifts?! Nothing wrong with that.
But there IS something wrong with this...

More people die from drinking unclean water than from any other cause. I have been to Africa and watched children walk miles for water that was not fit to drink. We can solve the problem, world-wide, for 10 billion dollars! There are many programs you can
donate to. Check on-line and find one you can get behind!
The point is to take a look at what you have and spend some portion of your budget on helping someone else have a better life. Give yourself away! Not just money - your time, attention and talents. You have such amazing gifts to offer. Let someone else benefit from all you know and can do. You get the joy! Such a great deal!