Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Mother's Day All Year Long!

You all know we talk a lot about self care here. Join me for an eClass designed to help you take very good C.A.R.E. of yourselves.This offering is a pilot group and is deeply discounted.
If you haven't seen it or have procrastinated you can get the information and register by clicking here.

The class will be delivered to your e-mail inbox each Monday in September. Look for your back to school, time for me, takin' good C.A.R.E. lessons on September 7, 14, 21, & 28.

We will be underway soon and spaces are going fast!
Click here to read more and register!

It's a Four Letter Word

Knowledge is power. Isn't it? We've always heard that is so. What does it mean? What constitutes knowledge and what kind of power does it hold?

Let's unpack the word KNOW and see what we find there.

K - Knowledge is a key to something powerful. I looked up the meaning of key. It's for opening that which was locked. It also means something explanatory, as in a key concept or idea and is part of a reference system. In the world of music key refers to tonality or pitch. Doesn't what we know - or don't know - set the tone or pitch of our thinking, perceptions, and attitudes?

N - Knowing is the ability to put a name to what we know - to directly appoint or
identify it. A name is a descriptive word, referring to a family or clan, It has a
reputation attached to it. How do your family and the way you grew up contribute to what you know? What do others know about you through your name and reputation?

O - There's an object of our knowledge - "a person to which action or feeling is directed". There is a two-fold objective as well. First, to have an objective as a purpose, goal, or aim. Second, to be objective by being unbiased and free from personal prejudices. How has your knowledge been gained? What is your objective?

W - We like to think of knowledge and wisdom walking hand in hand. To be wise is to possess the power of discernment and of judging rightly. Wise people have knowledge, learning, and experience. Wisdom is the power to see and choose the best and highest goal, and the surest means to attaining it. How do knowing and wisdom partner up for you? Are you able to be unbiased and judge rightly? Where would you like to gain knowledge and wisdom?

I have asked you several questions. I recently read an article about the value of inquiry. The author's query was about our children. Are we teaching them to ask questions, to gain knowledge, to become wise? Or are we teaching them that there is a simple, quick answer and it is either right or wrong? As a coach powerful, provocative questions are at the heart of what I do. I say, by all means - ask the question!

This week think about what you know and the wisdom in your knowing. Then decide what you will DO with it. What's your objective? Go! That's where the power is.

Let us know what you KNOW and what you will do with it! What is the gnawing, relentless, objective rolling around in there? I am going to do some serious exploration myself in the next month. I'll keep you posted on the blog as knowledge and wisdom show themselves.


Thursday, July 16, 2009


Last week we talked about this year's second half. you know what that means about the summer don't you?! Despite the busyness and speed of the "lazy" days of summer, we can all take some time to stop, get quiet, and practice some mindfulness. Let's practice a little right now. Really! Just 90 seconds while you are taking time to read this. Take a moment to stand, relax your head and shoulders, and drop your arms comfortably at your sides. Feel all four corners of your feet (if you can be barefoot and/or outside, all the better) firmly on the floor or ground. Now take 4 or 5 deep breaths with a calming thought atached. For example, "I am totally at peace." or "All is well"

Add a breath mantra with each inhalation and exhalation. "I am breathing in joy. I am breathing out frustration." Use whatever you need in this moment.

Read the complete article here and come back and post your summer mindfulness thoughts and techniques. We all want to know so we can benefit too!
If you don't already receive the newsletters click for your FREE subscription!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Let Freedom RING

Webster defines Freedom:
The absence of coercion or constraint in choice or action; Liberation from the power of another; independence, exemption, release, liberty, or license.
With vast freedom comes great responsibility. Read the entire article here
(after Friday) and post your thoughts.
What is your definition of freedom? What does it mean in your life?