Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Develop Selective Memory

Think for a moment about your favorite memory – something lovely, sweet, exciting, fun, romantic, breathtaking, surprising, giddy, or uplifting. Ahh! It’s so wonderful to linger there isn’t it? Go ahead and stay awhile….

Now shift gears. Remember something that is yucky – definitely NOT a favorite. Perhaps it is hurtful, embarrassing, fearful, unjust, helpless, or devastating. What do you notice about the two experiences? Be specific – really observe inside of you.

Isn’t it fascinating how a memory can take you to soaring heights or plunge you into the depths? How does that happen? It happens when you decide how an event, a conversation, or a circumstance is going to live in your memory. We can “program” our hearts and minds. We have the power of choice in what we recall, and how. Please hear me out here. I am not dismissing difficult or horrific events, nor am I advocating a pie-in-the-sky, rose -colored glasses, denial mind set. What I am suggesting is that we can choose to remember what is good about an event, person, or circumstance – rather than what is hurtful and what takes us to those depths of anger, disappointment, and discouragement.

What person, event, or circumstance had you spiraling down into the depths?

Develop selective memory. Right now, today, you have the power to remember yourself to victory and happiness. Make a list of great selective memory words and post them where you can see them often. Words like joy, learning, grateful, hope, fun, love, adventure, contentment, power and choice. Remember that thoughts of gratitude and appreciation are the only ones that can combat thoughts of anger and discouragement. Decide. Choose. Remember.

Speaking of remember – remember that favorite memory we started with? You can call it up anytime you want. Go ahead and linger there awhile.
Read the entire article here, then come back and post your thoughts.

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