Wednesday, June 23, 2010


You know the sensation when you take a pill and it feels as if it is stuck somewhere between your throat and your stomach? Even hours later you are sure it is still lodged there, painful and unmoving.

You know how it feels when words get stuck in that unspoken, limbo place? Sometimes it is the great comeback you think of hours later, and so strongly wish you would have said. (These are generally sarcastic which is never appropriate or helpful - but I digress. More on that another day.) Maybe it is the thing you long to say but are afraid of "rocking the boat" or "upsetting the apple cart". (Think about those metaphors for speaking what is on your mind and heart - but, again, I digress.) Is it the truth you are fairly screaming inside, but don't have the courage to utter out loud? Do you sometimes feel as if you have lost your voice; as if no one will listen or care?

Read the rest of the article and come back and post your thoughts and experiences!

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