Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Twelve Transforming Words

There are four behaviors so toxic that relationship expert John Gottman has labeled them the Four Horsemen of the Apacolypse. Read about them in the May 7 newsletter archived here. The good news is that there are 12 Transforming Words that go a long way to heal the hurts left by the Four Horsemen.

What do you think? Do the Four Horsemen ride roughshod in your relationship? Are you willing to make some changes? Post your thoughts here.

It's all about the space between You and Me - the US that is Holy Ground. Nurturing and protecting that space is crucial to long lasting and fulfilling relationships. The entire article is here (after May 21). Feeling safe and creating safety for others are also paramount to achieving success. There has been considerable resonance and conversation about building relationships. Let's get some community dialogue going and encourage each other. I consider US to be Holy Ground and thank you for all you bring!