Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Journal Workshop!

Have you been thinking about journaling? Would you like to be a more consistent journaler? Do you get stuck when you start to write? Come fire your imagination and creativity. Take a mini sabbatical and see what magical things can come in just three hours of uninterrupted time for YOU.

In this workshop you will:
- Discover the benefits and power of journaling. Did you know it reduces stress?
- Get quiet and still. Quiet the monkey mind chatter, Ahhhh!
- Engage in a meditation to prepare you to write. Just let your mind drift – no agenda or time constraints
- Learn a wonderful technique for discovering what’s most important to explore and write about.
- Do some journaling!
- Get a worksheet and suggestions to keep you going
We will take our mini sabbatical via telephone. If you have not done this before no worries – it is easy and fun. You can curl up in your favorite quiet spot with your journal, a cup of tea, and you can do it in your sweats or jammies!

I am offering two time choices so you can ALL participate.
Thursday January 8, 2009 from 6-9 p.m. Mountain Time (8-11 Eastern Time)
Saturday January 10, 2009 from 8-11 a.m. Mountain Time (10-1 Eastern Time)
The cost is $20.00
There are a limited number of spaces on the bridge line so call 602.626.8036 or e-mail today to reserve your space.

I want to write but more than that
I want to bring out all kinds of things
that lie buried in my heart.”
- Anne Frank –

In Everything Give Thanks

Corrie Ten Boom was a prisoner in a Nazi Concentration Camp during World War II. She learned to give thanks for everything - even fleas. Read the entire article and come back and post your own story of finding joy and blessing in the most unlikely and difficult circumstances.

One of the strongest examples in my own life is my divorce. It will forever be one of the great sadnesses of my life - and also one of the greatest blessings. Because of the break up of my marriage I found my life's work and purpose. I have become a woman I could not have become within that relationship. God has used loss, sadness, anger, and disappointment to grow me and my children in so many ways. I wish it had been different, AND I am grateful. Things are not always either/or. They can be both/and. What do you think?

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Willard Wigan is an ordianary man - he can neither read nor write - doing EXTRAORDINARY things! Made to feel shameful and small as a child, he set out to show us how significant small can be.
T.he W.ay I. T.hings God designed each of us for greatness and nothing is too small or insignificant for him to use. Read the article and come back and share your thoughts.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Convergence is defined as: the tendency to move toward one point, to meet; to come together and unite in a common interest or focus; independent development of similar characters.

A destiny is not something waiting for you, but something waiting within you. God has designed you to live a life beyond your wildest imagination. When you EXPECT your dreams to become your life, you find the strength and resolve to focus. You go from having POTENTIAL to being POTENT.

Focus all of who you are until you have CONVERGENCE of all

your energies.

Who am I?

Where am I going?

What should I be doing?

Who am I becoming?

Read the rest of the article and leave your thoughts and hopes here! Let's CONVERGE!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


"The subconscious mind makes no distinction between constructive and destructive thoughts. It works with the material we feed it. Our subconscious mind will translate into reality a thought driven by fear, just as readily as it will a thought driven by courage or faith."
- Napoleon Hill -

T.he W.ay I. T.hings this is absolute truth. You think about 60,000 thoughts a week. What are you thinking about? What are you focusing on? What if you were to feed your brain only positive, helpful, courageous, faithful, solution focused, joyful, empowering thoughts? hhmmm....