Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Mama's Wings

n my quiet time the other day, I was reading a little book called Today is Your Best Day by Roy Lessin. He was talking about how God uses the term "wings" as a way of demonstrating his presence, protection, covering, and strength. I was struck by the similarities to how we feel about our mama wings. The summer after my divorce, when my oldest two were going off to college and my youngest and I were moving to another state, I convinced them to give me a week - just us - no schedule, phones, friends, or distractions. I am pretty sure I said something like, "I need my chicks about me, under my wings, before we all scatter." I am using some of Mr. Lessin's word pictures - they are lovely and as moms we are an extension of God's love to our kids.

We use our wings to shield and provide relief. We can't hide them from every trial (nor would we want to) but we can be a buffer and a safe haven for them to come home to when we open our wings.

Our wings pull our kids close to our heart and into our care. When they are close we can hear their cry, get in touch with their need, and feel their heartbeat. It is there that we are close enough to whisper to each other. Just this afternoon I was snuggling my 1 year old grandson. As he closed his eyes I whispered, "Your grandma is utterly, wildly, crazy, head-over-heels in love with you." He didn't open his eyes, but he smiled around his pacifier.

Read the rest of the article and post your memories of your own Mama's wings and how you protect, cover and strengthen your chicks.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Yes to Stress - NO to DIStress

We’ve all heard the term “stress management”. Stress comes from many sources and takes many forms and it DOES impact us. No matter how organized, flexible, or laid back we are, sooner or later we get stressed. Life happens - but we can learn some effective ways to cope with the stressors in our lives.

Stress is both good and bad. Good stress can excite and motivate us. It keeps us engaged in the world. We know we get bored when stress levels are too low and nothing much is required of us. A task or an event can cause some anxiety, that jumpy feeling in our stomach, and keep us awake at night – but it can also sharpen our thinking and boost our energy. We get fired up! We love the challenge!

The bad stress is the kind that causes distress and includes three components: the things that cause distress, like danger or illness; the internal negative feelings, such as worry, anger, depression; and the physical or biological changes, including increased heart and respiration rates, headaches, or stomach upset. When stress levels are too high for too long it becomes distress and emotional and physical damage begins to occur. Our goal is to find the right level of energizing stress and avoid disabling distress. A place to begin is to see distress as a signal to change our thinking or behavior – to realize that our responses are not serving us.

Have you heard the phrase “Change your thinking, change your life”? It contains much truth. No circumstance or event has meaning until we make an interpretation and attach meaning. Stress does not exist outside of you. It happens inside your mind and body and you are completely in charge of your stress level. We can’t choose our circumstances, but we can choose our response to them and prevent becoming distressed. Remember, circumstances change and this, too, shall pass.

We will talk more about stress next week. In the meantime ask yourself:
- What perceptions/interpretations do I have that increase stress levels?
- Where do I experience distress in my body?
- What negative coping mechanisms do I use?

Try experimenting with your self talk. Instead of saying, “When ________ happens I get furious!” try saying, “When _________ happens I feel mildly annoyed.” Notice what happens inside yourself when you change the level of stress with your language. Observe your responses this week and let me know what happens.

If you are experiencing distress and feel overwhelmed, call or e-mail. Let’s talk about it. Check out the website for more information and a free Stress Assessment

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Some of life's very best gifts come to us in the midst of the most difficult circumstances. My divorce, which was on my list of the worst things that could happen, created the space and opportunity for me to examine myself and to learn and grow in amazing ways. It will forever be a great sadness and loss in my life AND one of the finest blessings of my life. Aren't trials and challenges often like that? And do you notice how the things that we are sure are the worst possible - when they happen - are not as bad as we had imagined? The fear of the thing is worse than the reality of the thing.

I once read a story about the brilliant Italian violinist, Paganini. One evening, as he stepped on stage to thunderous applause, he realized there was something wrong with his violin. At first he thought it was just not his best instrument, but soon discovered it was not his at all. He was frozen for a moment, then turned to the audience and told them there had been a mistake and he did not have the right violin. He quickly went back stage and his worst fears were affirmed. His violin had been taken and the one he held in his hands, a significantly inferior instrument, had been left in its place.
Paganini dropped his head and closed his eyes. After a moment of silence he returned to the stage. "Ladies and gentlemen", he said, "I will now demonstrate to you that the music is not in the instrument but in the soul." What flowed from that violin, via Paganini's soul, held the audience captive in its depth and beauty. It was later reported that it had been one of his finest performances.

What music is filling your soul? What longing floats to the surface, gets stuck, then floats back down to remain unsettled for another day? What fear keeps you from stepping out in faith and confidence?

I am fairly certain that if I had been in Paganini's situation; renowned as one of the most accomplished violinists in the world, expected to perform as such, without my beloved and familiar instrument, shocked and furious that mine had been stolen (an extremely expensive one at that) - I would not have responded as he did. I would not have risen to the occasion with one of the best performances of my life. As I write that, I also am fairly certain that I could have. There IS music in my soul. I AM a woman of strength. I CAN visualize myself feeling the fear and doing it anyway. I can SENSE a stellar outcome. Can't you too? Don't you KNOW, somewhere deep inside, that you are MEANT to?

My invitation to you, and to myself, is to stop and take a deep breath, find that centered place of trust and courage, of faith and confidence and step onto the stage. TAKE THE STAGE knowing that your circumstances are meaningless. They don't define or confine you. They are present to grow you. They are here now to draw you higher. Don't stop. Beauty and God's glory lay waiting in your soul. Take the stage and let your music flow.

p.s. It is my honor and privilege to coach you to that place where your soul lets loose the melody it is holding.
Go to the website and click on the Packages tab to discover how you can

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Nurture Your Children Without Starving Your Soul


You can only give out what you have within.
Invest in yourself. Build your energy reserves.
De-clutter some stuff - inside and out. Become a
powerhouse of focus and clarity.

4 week e-course. You don't even have to comb your hair!
Stay at home or hang at your favorite coffee shop. We come to YOU!
It's all via your e-mail inbox and a private online coaching journal. for lots of information and to register

Blessings and power to you,
Beth and Dr. Ron
p.s. you can bring a friend for FR*EE!


You know the sensation when you take a pill and it feels as if it is stuck somewhere between your throat and your stomach? Even hours later you are sure it is still lodged there, painful and unmoving.

You know how it feels when words get stuck in that unspoken, limbo place? Sometimes it is the great comeback you think of hours later, and so strongly wish you would have said. (These are generally sarcastic which is never appropriate or helpful - but I digress. More on that another day.) Maybe it is the thing you long to say but are afraid of "rocking the boat" or "upsetting the apple cart". (Think about those metaphors for speaking what is on your mind and heart - but, again, I digress.) Is it the truth you are fairly screaming inside, but don't have the courage to utter out loud? Do you sometimes feel as if you have lost your voice; as if no one will listen or care?

Read the rest of the article and come back and post your thoughts and experiences!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Things are so often not what they seem. We all need reminders to look deeply. To listen beneath. To pay exquisite close attention.

I have seen this video 3 times. I cannot remember when I have been so moved or so convicted. I have been the kind of person this young woman describes and my heart is broken over it.

Take 4 minutes to listen to Koren's story. It will rock your world. You will be changed. We have been talking about the giftedness and genius in each of us. She shows us the absolute and amazing TRUTH of that.

We must let each other out of the BOX. We must stop looking at anyone with a set of expectations - and begin looking through eyes that anticipate greatness, that are assured of beauty, that see the promise of surprise, and the limitless privilege of LOVE. We must let GOD out of the box too. Allow Him to show up however, whenever, and in whomever He will. Expect miracles. They are all around you.

p.s. To read more or donate to support more people like Koren go to:

Friday, June 11, 2010

Nurture Your Children Without Starving Your Soul


Nurture Your Children Without Starving Your Soul

What If You Could Banish Guilt and Exhaustion, Feel Confident and Energized, and Be a Stellar Mom?

You are 4 weeks away from the life you envision.
And You Get to Bring a Friend Along for FREE!

The Biggest Mistake Moms Ever Make in Their Parenting Is Putting Themselves At The Bottom of The List.

Announcing Beth Madigan and Dr. Ron's 4-Week e-Coaching Course:
Nurture Your Kids Without Starving Your Soul: The "Take Good Care of Yourself" System For Mothers of Young Children

Here's Exactly What You'll Learn During Our 4 Weekly e-Sessions Together...
And You Never Have to Get Dressed, Clean House, or Leave Home!

In our first lesson we will clear up the stinkin' thinkin' of guilt and the distorted rationales for not making yourself a priority in your own life. We will also find and eliminate the one most maddening source of clutter in your world so you can Clear the time and energy to get the most from this eClass.

In our second lesson you will take a comprehensive look at your life and get personal coaching from us to discover your own most important GTC's (This has "Got To Change"). We will guide you in choosing the one or two areas of focus that you are most ready to change and that will bring you the biggest "bang for your buck".

In our third lesson we will pinpoint and Reduce your Energy Drainers, Reuse or establish new Energy Gainers, and teach you how to Recycle the stress in your life so you are never again without Energy Reserves. The week will end with you having a personalized set of 7 Minute Solutions for managing your emotional, physical and spiritual health on a daily basis.

You may have heard about the butterfly effect. "A butterfly flaps its wings in Brazil and sets off a tornado in Texas". The idea is that small changes at the start of an event can cause a chain of events that leads to enormous changes later on. You may not think that a 4 week eClass can lead to life enhancing changes that will make you healthier and happier for years to come. But, in our fourth lesson we will personally coach you to uncover the small, doable actions steps that are the keys to unlock vibrant health, positive emotions and sustainable joy in your life.

As you can see, we've got this special e-coaching program all setup to get you results by the time we're finished. And with our personal attention (literally, one-on-one interaction between us!) this entire course will be custom-tailored for your specific needs.

We're gonna cover it all...
Learn to respond to any situation with calm and assurance

Specific ideas on how to build emotional, physical and spiritual energy reserves

How to identify and eliminate obstacles in your way

A customized plan of action for sustainable change

Discover the secret of letting go of guilt and blame

Discover and live from your most deeply held values

Tips to incorporate the "whole" of you into every day - mind, body & spirit

In just 4 weeks you will become a channel of powerful, positive energy

Move through your world with more joy and passion

Identify the areas of your life you are most motivated to change

Identify your strengths, positive qualities, and health promoting behaviors

Access tools and resources to help you reach your goals

Develop a plan of small, incremental steps that will create a track record of positive success and build your confidence in creating the lifestyle change you desire

As if that weren't enough...
there are 4 GREAT bonuses with this course!