Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Nurture Your Children Without Starving Your Soul


You can only give out what you have within.
Invest in yourself. Build your energy reserves.
De-clutter some stuff - inside and out. Become a
powerhouse of focus and clarity.

4 week e-course. You don't even have to comb your hair!
Stay at home or hang at your favorite coffee shop. We come to YOU!
It's all via your e-mail inbox and a private online coaching journal. for lots of information and to register

Blessings and power to you,
Beth and Dr. Ron
p.s. you can bring a friend for FR*EE!


You know the sensation when you take a pill and it feels as if it is stuck somewhere between your throat and your stomach? Even hours later you are sure it is still lodged there, painful and unmoving.

You know how it feels when words get stuck in that unspoken, limbo place? Sometimes it is the great comeback you think of hours later, and so strongly wish you would have said. (These are generally sarcastic which is never appropriate or helpful - but I digress. More on that another day.) Maybe it is the thing you long to say but are afraid of "rocking the boat" or "upsetting the apple cart". (Think about those metaphors for speaking what is on your mind and heart - but, again, I digress.) Is it the truth you are fairly screaming inside, but don't have the courage to utter out loud? Do you sometimes feel as if you have lost your voice; as if no one will listen or care?

Read the rest of the article and come back and post your thoughts and experiences!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Things are so often not what they seem. We all need reminders to look deeply. To listen beneath. To pay exquisite close attention.

I have seen this video 3 times. I cannot remember when I have been so moved or so convicted. I have been the kind of person this young woman describes and my heart is broken over it.

Take 4 minutes to listen to Koren's story. It will rock your world. You will be changed. We have been talking about the giftedness and genius in each of us. She shows us the absolute and amazing TRUTH of that.

We must let each other out of the BOX. We must stop looking at anyone with a set of expectations - and begin looking through eyes that anticipate greatness, that are assured of beauty, that see the promise of surprise, and the limitless privilege of LOVE. We must let GOD out of the box too. Allow Him to show up however, whenever, and in whomever He will. Expect miracles. They are all around you.

p.s. To read more or donate to support more people like Koren go to:

Friday, June 11, 2010

Nurture Your Children Without Starving Your Soul


Nurture Your Children Without Starving Your Soul

What If You Could Banish Guilt and Exhaustion, Feel Confident and Energized, and Be a Stellar Mom?

You are 4 weeks away from the life you envision.
And You Get to Bring a Friend Along for FREE!

The Biggest Mistake Moms Ever Make in Their Parenting Is Putting Themselves At The Bottom of The List.

Announcing Beth Madigan and Dr. Ron's 4-Week e-Coaching Course:
Nurture Your Kids Without Starving Your Soul: The "Take Good Care of Yourself" System For Mothers of Young Children

Here's Exactly What You'll Learn During Our 4 Weekly e-Sessions Together...
And You Never Have to Get Dressed, Clean House, or Leave Home!

In our first lesson we will clear up the stinkin' thinkin' of guilt and the distorted rationales for not making yourself a priority in your own life. We will also find and eliminate the one most maddening source of clutter in your world so you can Clear the time and energy to get the most from this eClass.

In our second lesson you will take a comprehensive look at your life and get personal coaching from us to discover your own most important GTC's (This has "Got To Change"). We will guide you in choosing the one or two areas of focus that you are most ready to change and that will bring you the biggest "bang for your buck".

In our third lesson we will pinpoint and Reduce your Energy Drainers, Reuse or establish new Energy Gainers, and teach you how to Recycle the stress in your life so you are never again without Energy Reserves. The week will end with you having a personalized set of 7 Minute Solutions for managing your emotional, physical and spiritual health on a daily basis.

You may have heard about the butterfly effect. "A butterfly flaps its wings in Brazil and sets off a tornado in Texas". The idea is that small changes at the start of an event can cause a chain of events that leads to enormous changes later on. You may not think that a 4 week eClass can lead to life enhancing changes that will make you healthier and happier for years to come. But, in our fourth lesson we will personally coach you to uncover the small, doable actions steps that are the keys to unlock vibrant health, positive emotions and sustainable joy in your life.

As you can see, we've got this special e-coaching program all setup to get you results by the time we're finished. And with our personal attention (literally, one-on-one interaction between us!) this entire course will be custom-tailored for your specific needs.

We're gonna cover it all...
Learn to respond to any situation with calm and assurance

Specific ideas on how to build emotional, physical and spiritual energy reserves

How to identify and eliminate obstacles in your way

A customized plan of action for sustainable change

Discover the secret of letting go of guilt and blame

Discover and live from your most deeply held values

Tips to incorporate the "whole" of you into every day - mind, body & spirit

In just 4 weeks you will become a channel of powerful, positive energy

Move through your world with more joy and passion

Identify the areas of your life you are most motivated to change

Identify your strengths, positive qualities, and health promoting behaviors

Access tools and resources to help you reach your goals

Develop a plan of small, incremental steps that will create a track record of positive success and build your confidence in creating the lifestyle change you desire

As if that weren't enough...
there are 4 GREAT bonuses with this course!


No Losers!

Have I told you all lately how much I appreciate you and how much my life expands because of you? Here is yet another example of your insight, brilliance, and strength. This week one of my clients was processing a protracted and unpleasant court experience with her ex-husband. Through tears, she reported that she had "won" but it sure didn't feel like a win.

When I asked her what a win would look and feel like, she was quiet for a long time. She realized that underlying the whole process was the expectation of an outcome in which another person would think and behave in a certain way - that a person would change. She clearly understood how futile that expectation was and that it wasn't even what she truly wanted. She was able to see that two people can have a shared experience (marriage and raising kids) and have very different perspectives of that experience. She had allowed the vast difference in perspective to bring anger, frustration, and confusion along with worry, stress, and blame.

She recognized a component of her own emotional history. If I "win" then I must have done something wrong - was a shadowy message that beat underneath it all. Think for a moment of your own embedded thoughts and past experiences of winning. What comes up for you? Do you want to jump up with a victorious fist in the air, or do you feel like shrinking into the background? Is the concept of winning accompanied by thoughts or feelings of losing? How do feelings of right and wrong mesh with winning and losing?

At this point in our exploration her voice softened and gained strength and confidence. A win, she said, means a truth is revealed. There is a knowing what is right, and that you have discovered something central to who you are and who the other person is. What she wanted, and what would have constituted a win with her ex-husband, was to make amends, to find common ground to operate from going forward, to reach agreement, and to communicate in a way that each could understand and invest in. A win shows you where your thinking and behavior need adjustment - no matter how difficult the revelation may be. "Being who I am, sharing myself and what is true from my heart, is all I can do. And allowing others to be who they are. It is NOT competitive, never I win and You lose. I don't want any "losers" in my life - ever."

Beautiful! What would your life and relationships be like if there were never any "losers"? If no one ever went away from you feeling less than, criticized, or hurt? Does this ever happen with a spouse, child, relative, colleague, or employee? What can you do this week to turn the situation into a win?

Stubborn Fat?

Have you heard about HCG for weight loss? HCG in small quantities mobilizes the body's stored fat. When combined with a special anti-inflammatory diet, stored fat is easily broken down and eliminated by the body. This allows for fast weight loss while maintaining lean body mass.

HCG also acts to restore your bodies "set point." The hypothalamus is a gland in the brain that controls the metabolic rate of the body. Similar to the set point of a thermostat controlling the temperature, the hypothalamus regulates the amount of fat needed for storage in order for you to survive. HCG has the unique ability to increase your metabolic rate by resetting your "set point." This facilitates a permanent change in metabolic rate and encourages fast and permanent weight loss.

Sound good? I thought so and sought the medical expertise of Dr. Dave Hagen NMD at Focus For Life in Scottsdale. I am the classic case of post menopausal stubborn belly fat. I am happy to announce that Dr. Dave's protocol, including HCG, is finally having a POSITIVE effect and the scales and belly are heading downward!
Click the link below for information. To your health!
Focus for Life

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Gotta 'Fess Up

Don't you just love it/hate it when God, the Universe, and your conscience conspire to move you to do the right thing?

After writing to you about how agile and determined our minds are when we want to rationalize our less than upright behavior, I had an incident where I did just that. It has niggled at me for a couple of days , despite my rationalizing that it was not such a big deal. As I was coming to the realization that I would not be at peace until I made it right, I came across this:

"Adam Clarke was an assistant in a dry goods store, selling silks and satins to a cultured clientele. One day, his employer suggested to him that he try stretching the silk as he measured it out. This would increase his profits, and also increase his value to the company. Young Clarke straightened up from his work, faced his boss courageously, and said, "Sir, your silk may stretch, but my conscience will not."

Unfortunately, some of us are not so honest (ouch!) The book The Day America Told the Truth reported the following: 91% of those surveyed admitted to lying about something on a regular basis; 50% procrastinated, in effect doing nothing, one full day out of every five; and 74% steal from those who will not miss it. Examples of such stealing include taking office supplies from work, long lunches, extravagant meals, accepting gifts from customers, ignoring copyright laws (how about burning CD's and DVD's?), claiming improper deductions, etc. But the person of integrity avoids all such temptations. "
(from A Dad's Blessing by Gary Smalley and John Trent

The next afternoon I got this from my (unknowing) daughter in the text of an e-mail about doing the right thing:

Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.

I don't know who wrote that, but it resonates completely in my heart. Yes, I have set things to rights as best I could. I received love and understanding in return. Whew! That was a lot of internal drama I could have avoided.

Where in your life have you been less than honest?
What is your conscience telling you to do about it?
Will you follow through?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I read a quote once that said something like, (I’m paraphrasing) “The human mind is never more agile or quick than when it is engaged in rationalization.” So true, and I would add, when it is making excuses.

Have you said or thought any of these?
- “I’ve tried to change, but this is just the way I am.”
- “I would say something, but I might sound stupid.”
- “I would like to, but I’m too old/fat/clumsy/young/slow/_______.”
- “I would go, but he/she/they would get mad/sad/annoyed/_______.”
- “I want _________, but __________.”
- “I would share my feelings, but I am uncomfortable/ would cry/ feel foolish.”
- “I think about telling ________ the truth, but I am afraid ____________.”
- “I would get up and exercise before work, but I am not a morning person.”

We want our world to make sense so we rationalize our behavior and make excuses. We analyze ourselves and try to figure out “why” we operate or think the way we do. We are the sum of all our experiences and no two of us have the same set of variables. At the end of the day – or sadly for many, at the end of our lives – we didn’t figure it out and we didn’t change or live the way we wanted to.

Read the rest of the article here and come back and share your thoughts and insights1

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Strength in Weakness

"When the heart weeps for what it has lost,
The spirit laughs for what it has found." - Unknown -

When we are weak and grieving a loss, it can
become a great strength if we will allow it.
There is POWER in our challenges and trials.
Scripture tells us it "...will yield the peaceful
fruit of righteousness". We will all
suffer in this life. It is God's training ground
and the purpose is to grow us. Look inside. See
what has been found - and laugh in joy and gratitude.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Joy of Acceptance

This morning I got a coupon from Borders and paused to watch a video interview with Michael J. Fox about his new book A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Future… Watch the video here.

He writes to graduates with suggestions for a richer life. I have always enjoyed and admired this man as an actor, but who he has become on his journey with Parkinson’s Disease is a crowning achievement and a testament to the power of attitude and acceptance in transforming a life.

Michael didn’t finish high school, pursuing his acting career from the age of 15. Years later, the father of four found himself helping with high school homework and college applications. He wondered how he was able to do this. What constitutes an education? How do you get one? How did he fill in gaps? In his own words, “I might have skipped class, but I didn’t miss any lessons.” Herein lies the secret to his great success. Read on and allow Michael J. Fox to school you today.

When he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease he had to reconsider everything. He describes that time as a “little death”. Through much soul searching and the help of trusted family and friends he came to see his illness as a new second take on life, a rebirth that could only come from acceptance.

“My happiness grows in direct proportion to my acceptance,
and in inverse proportion to my expectations.” -Michael J. Fox-

I ask my coaching clients to complete a session prep form before each call. After asking them to list their current challenges I encourage them to reframe the challenge with this, “The situation has arisen precisely to move you to shift your viewpoint. Take the current facts and view this challenge from an angle that uplifts and empowers you. How is this also good?” Changing our perspective and consciously looking for the blessing changes everything about the way we deal with life.

I had this very conversation just yesterday with a client. She had become so frustrated and disappointed with her relationships that she was beginning to think she was kind of crazy. Not only did she have expectations about how others should act or respond, she felt responsible when things didn’t go that way; as if she must have said or done something to mess things up.

Michael brilliantly admonishes us to be “scrupulously honest” about what is. Stay in reality. Check in with the truth of who we ARE, not who we think we are or who we would like to be. I would add, ask yourself, “What is my responsibility in this situation? Keep drilling down to the truth of what is, then let the rest go and move through your day in peace.

The interviewer asked Michael what advice he would give to Alex P. Keaton and Marty McFly (two of his most famous characters).He responded that he would remind Alex that life is not linear. Expect and enjoy the twists and turns of the journey and don’t take yourself so seriously.

His advice to Marty (a character he loves) is to just hang on! Marty is so open and willing to grab life with both arms wide open, Michael says hang on and enjoy!

Thanks, Michael. I hope we have your wisdom and humor for years to come.

Share your stories of acceptance of what is. How did you find the joy? What did you draw on to reframe your situation?

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

You Decide!

The circumstances and events of our lives have no meaning in themselves. They become sad, joyous, tragic, puzzling, delightful, etc. only when we make an interpretation and attach meaning to them. Since life is all about how we interpret it - interpret in your favor!

If you're experiencing circumstances that have got you down, try reframing. To reframe, take the facts of your circumstance and adjust for a different viewpoint. Shift your attitude. There is great opportunity here to begin thinking in ways that will empower you and give you peace. How is this also good? Find the blessing in the challenge.

If you got a really bad haircut, use this opportunity to focus on your INNER beauty - and that of others too, rather than on appearances. Share observations and compliments about the other person's CHARACTER.

If you have lost your job, use this opportunity to comtemplate how much is enough. Where can you minimize your spending? How much emphasis do you put on your LIFESTYLE vs. your LIFE? What unique skills might you bring to the forefront? What doors are opening as this one closes?

Practice reframing. Start with something small. Choose a circumstnace that is unsettling or annoying and interpret it from another point of view - a positive, uplifting perspective! When life brings you lemons - add some sugar!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Why Your LIfe Won't Cooperate

I’m hearing frustration and discouragement from folks these days. We have just ended the first quarter of 2010 – the year of God’s Perfect Divine Order, a year of wholeness and power in which there is no lack or want. Yet, for many of you this year is looking pretty much like last year. You are struggling with the same issues and having the same thoughts and conversations. And it’s not for lack of good intentions or real desire to step up. You’ve read the books and know what to do. So what’s the deal? Why won’t your life cooperate?

If I asked you to list 10 things you would like to change or improve about yourself you could rattle them off pronto. If I asked you to list your ten most valuable strengths and abilities I’m guessing it would take a little longer and be much harder for you to do.

Sitting on your chair as you read this is one trillion cells (that’s a 1 with 14 0s behind it!) Your brain alone has 100 billion nerve cells – all “fearfully and wonderfully made” and programmed to contain and process more information than the entire internet. You are a GENIUS! It’s quite simple really. The reason your life won’t cooperate is that you have oodles of untapped genius.

Read the complete article and subscribe to the FREE newsletter here.
There is also a special offer to begin to discover and use your unique gifts and strengths.

What are you thinking about your own undeveloped genius?

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

One of the finest things we can do for each other is to listen. One of my professors called it “paying exquisite close attention”. Most of us would say that we’re pretty good listeners – and that our friends are generally good listeners. They will stay quiet and be objective. Yet, sometimes – when we ONLY want them to listen, they will jump in to save us from distress, solve our problem, help us deal with strong emotions, or tell us about their own similar situation.

Listening is crucial to intimacy and safety and it is more than simply hearing what the other person is saying. Listening is an ACTION that has two components.

One is attention or awareness. It is listening with feeling and intuition. We listen for the words, the tone, the pace, the energy level – all the information that is being sent. Author and psychologist Larry Crabb refers to this as listening beneath. We listen for what is NOT being said in words, but is communicated through body language, emotion, and the meaning the person is attaching and the values and concerns being expressed.

The second aspect is what we DO with our listening – the impact we have when we ACT on our listening. Let’s take a look at that by examining two levels of listening.

To read about the levels and subscribe to the newsletter - it's FREE - click here.

Come back and tell us what you discovered when you used all your LEVEL II skills!

Life is DEEP and it is W I D E
emerge Explore EXPAND

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Crash Through!

Close your eyes for a moment and take a deep breath. Inventory your life. What do you wish you wouldn’t have quit on?

Is there a wall in front of you right now – today? Is there something or someone you are thinking you will just quit on?

Have you heard of Liz Murray? Lifetime did a movie about her called Homeless to Harvard. After a pretty hideous childhood and a homeless adolescence, she looked around her one day at the people passing by and thought, “No one around me has anymore than I do. I am gifted and able. What am I going to do with it?”
Take 3 minutes to hear her remarkable story here:

Endurance feeds and sustains every other great attribute in your life. If you have vision, courage, desire, a great work ethic, honesty, integrity, and determination, they will all be lifted to higher levels if you apply perseverance.

You have heard of Winston Churchill’s famous encouragement and admonishment to “Never, never, never, never, never give up!” If it is important you gotta fight for it! Endure. Persevere. Press on!

How? By learning and disciplining yourself to crash through quitting points. We all have them. They may be professional, personal or moral, or points in our relationships. If you quit a job in anger the result is unemployment, an unsatisfactory referral, and demeaning or rationalized thoughts about our own behavior. If you leave a marriage in pain or frustration, the result is heartache, kids without a parent in their home, and loss and loneliness. Over time we become dejected and defeated people.

It’s also true that just because you get to a stopping point, you don’t have to stop. You can keep going. If your goal is to run 2 miles, you don’t have to stop when you get there. Keep running! If your boss asks for one really innovative idea, come up with 2 or 3. Keep going! January 1 I committed to no sugar(particularly chocolate) for 21 days. When I got there I kept going and got to 27 – and you know what? I quit just because I had gone “long enough” and more than I set out to do. There was no reason to quit and lots of good health and self-discipline reasons to persevere. Do you own the weapon of perseverance in your arsenal? If you are a person of faith, employ it! With God all things are possible and nothing is impossible.

Look again at the inventory you took and ask yourself, “What has quitting cost me?”
Now close your eyes again and visualize that wall in front of you. You are standing in front of it with your hard hat, goggles, and a massive sledge hammer. Go at it and don’t quit until you have crashed through!

I would be honored to bang away with you and coach you to a crash through! Call 602.626.8036 or e-mail to begin TODAY!


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Develop Selective Memory

Think for a moment about your favorite memory – something lovely, sweet, exciting, fun, romantic, breathtaking, surprising, giddy, or uplifting. Ahh! It’s so wonderful to linger there isn’t it? Go ahead and stay awhile….

Now shift gears. Remember something that is yucky – definitely NOT a favorite. Perhaps it is hurtful, embarrassing, fearful, unjust, helpless, or devastating. What do you notice about the two experiences? Be specific – really observe inside of you.

Isn’t it fascinating how a memory can take you to soaring heights or plunge you into the depths? How does that happen? It happens when you decide how an event, a conversation, or a circumstance is going to live in your memory. We can “program” our hearts and minds. We have the power of choice in what we recall, and how. Please hear me out here. I am not dismissing difficult or horrific events, nor am I advocating a pie-in-the-sky, rose -colored glasses, denial mind set. What I am suggesting is that we can choose to remember what is good about an event, person, or circumstance – rather than what is hurtful and what takes us to those depths of anger, disappointment, and discouragement.

What person, event, or circumstance had you spiraling down into the depths?

Develop selective memory. Right now, today, you have the power to remember yourself to victory and happiness. Make a list of great selective memory words and post them where you can see them often. Words like joy, learning, grateful, hope, fun, love, adventure, contentment, power and choice. Remember that thoughts of gratitude and appreciation are the only ones that can combat thoughts of anger and discouragement. Decide. Choose. Remember.

Speaking of remember – remember that favorite memory we started with? You can call it up anytime you want. Go ahead and linger there awhile.
Read the entire article here, then come back and post your thoughts.


Have you been thinking about journaling? Would you like to be a more consistent journaler? Do you get stuck when you start to write? Come fire your imagination and creativity. Take a mini sabbatical and
see what magical things can come in just 90 minutes of uninterrupted time for YOU.

Thursday March 4
8:30- 10:00 pm EST

In this workshop you will:
- Discover the benefits and power of journaling. Did you know it reduces stress?
- Get quiet and still. Quiet the monkey mind chatter, Ahhhh!
- Engage in a meditation to prepare you to write. Just let your mind drift -
no agenda or time constraints
- Learn a wonderful technique for discovering what's most important to explore
and write about.
- Do some journaling!
- Get a worksheet and suggestions to keep you going
We will take our mini sabbatical via telephone. If you have not done this before no worries - it is easy and fun. You can curl up in your favorite quiet spot with your journal, a cup of tea, and you can do it in your sweats or jammies!
The cost is $20.00
There are a limited number of spaces on the bridge line so call 602.626.8036 or e-mail today to reserve your space.

"I want to write but more than that
I want to bring out all kinds of things
that lie buried in my heart."
- Anne Frank -

Friday, January 15, 2010

More of Success

If I have been of service, if I have glimpsed more of the nature and essence of ultimate good,
if I am inspired to reach wider horizons of thought and action, if I am at peace with myself,
it has been a successful day. -Alex Noble-

Choose any aspect of this definition of a successful day and give it a GO!
Let us know about your results.

More of

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

How Would You Define It?

I've been thinking about what constitutes success. In his book 101Best Ways to Get Ahead, author Michael Angier asked the likes of Bill Gates, Tony Blair, the Dalai Lama, and Lance Armstrong (and 97 others) this question, "What advice would you give a son, daughter, or grandchild? Based upon your knowledge and experience, what would you share with them that would be most helpful to them getting along and getting ahead in the world?" I believe the answer lies largely in how you define success.

You can read the entire article at

What would your answer to the question be?

Thursday, January 7, 2010

The "End" of Giving

Below is the final chapter of one reader’s 25 Days of Giving. I resonated with several of her insights and have commented at the end of each one. What comes up for you?

“First I learned that I get overwhelmed and stifled pretty easily. I am notorious for making excuses and talking myself out of action. What these last 25 days have shown me is that all I have to do is put one foot in front of the other. I have always envisioned a grand entrance into volunteering...when I have the time. I tell myself that when my kids are older, I will certainly give much more. Truth is I don't have to wait and my family doesn't have to suffer because of my desire to do for others. One small gesture can have a lasting ripple affect. A simple smile can change the course of a person's day. If that is all I have to give, it is more than enough.”

I have thought about the things that “take me out of action”. What is it for you? Have you heard of the Butterfly Effect? A butterfly flapping its wings in Brazil can create a hurricane in Texas. The idea is that small changes at the start of an event can start a chain of events that lead to enormous changes later on. Perseverance is a most valuable trait. Small acts are very important. Start now. Give what you have. No gift is too small or insignificant.

I also learned that opening my heart to the needs of others changed the energy I present to the world. I typically have a very closed energy. I go about my business and truthfully avoid interaction with strangers. I'm sure much of that comes from childhood. I had a few scary stranger run-ins which created a tough exterior. Now that I am an adult, I can let down that guard and let people in, even if only for a minute or two. The other night I was at the Hobby Lobby and the girl in front of me just started talking to me. She obviously had things on her mind. She opened the conversation by telling me that she was exhausted and her trip was only half over. I had no idea what she was talking about but I asked her about it and she vented a little. Before now, that just wouldn't have happened”.

Love and compassion involve risk. Since everything in the world is about the nature and quality of our relationships, it’s a risk worth taking! If you want to heighten your intuition and awareness, brighten your day and someone else’s, and change the energy in the world, get outside yourself and pour into someone else.

“I learned that my kids really are sponges. They look to us for guidance on how to live their lives. When we feed them good food, their bodies thrive. When we feed them good information, their spirits and minds thrive. We have the power to instill so much. It takes a conscious effort but it is so worth it!”

Beautifully said. Kids are watching and listening. The most powerful tool we have is modeling the attitudes, beliefs and behaviors we want to instill. They are hungry for our time and attention and will rise (or fall) to our expectations. Carry on moms, dads, uncles and aunties, grandparents, teachers, coaches, neighbors, and friends of young people!

“I learned that I like discipline. It has always been a struggle for me. Many times I have wanted to blog everyday or exercise everyday but I always fall off the wagon. This is the first time in a long time that I put my mind to something and saw it through everyday for 25 days. I loved it! I loved the feeling of accomplishment and the way it changed me. You do have to do something consistently for a long period of time to see a change. And a change I have seen.”

Ah. The “D” word. The truth is, we all like it – and we need it. Where would you like to practice discipline this year in your life? When we fail to reach our goals it is rarely because of poor planning or inability. It is lack of commitment and follow-through. Set your sights and keep moving. Anaias Nin said, ”Be not afraid of moving slowly. Be afraid only of standing still.” Celebrate every small step and keep moving in the direction you wish to go. Get coaching support along the way!

“Most importantly I learned that one person truly can make a difference. I have been skeptical of that for a long time. One of the ways that I have talked myself out of acting is that if it's not big enough, it won't matter. So not true. In the small gestures we made, I could see a huge effect.”

I hear the sound of butterfly wings…

I will continue this habit, maybe not on a daily basis, but it is a part of me now. I am grateful for the experience and I look forward to committing to another 25 days. The catalyst for this was Christmas but it is an invaluable exercise any time of year!”

What a wonderful habit to make a part of who you are! Hearts and lives will be changed forever in ways you may never know but can feel and celebrate. I am inspired! I will be a volunteer mentor for women coming out of Human Trafficking and am on day number 4 of no sugar.

Share your thoughts, inspirations, and commitments! Together, one small act at a time, we CAN change the world.

“A small group of thoughtful people could change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.“ Margaret Mead


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Old-fashioned Values

My mom sent me this clip and it brought me to tears. It is my wish for each family and each one of our kids. Enjoy!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Ten as a Triangular Number

In the post below I talked about the significance of the number ten. Here is another facet for those of you who enjoy these studies as much as I do.
Triangular numbers are those that can be represented by an equilatersl triangle.
These won't publish the way I print them, but you get the idea if you think bowling pins.

For instance, the number 3 is the first triangular number:
0 0

The number 10 is the first triangular number that has a center:
0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
It is the only triangular number in which the center is half the total number - pretty amazing.

The year 2010 holds great promise. Expect Amazing Things!

Start by Slowing Down

Happy New Year! Here we are again – shocked that another year has passed so quickly and looking forward with great anticipation to the new year ahead. Beginnings are so exciting! They signal the end of something and the chance to reevaluate, make changes, create a new plan, and begin with a clean slate.

It is the wee hours of the first day of 2010 as I write this. I have been outside wrapped in a blanket listening, thinking, dozing, being grateful. There is a full moon tonight with a huge white ring around it. It is also a Blue Moon which only happens every 2.7 years I have read; historically rare on December 31. Nature is my primary spiritual pathway. I would rather be outside than inside almost anytime so I notice and revel in these things. My relationship with God is my anchor and filter and I hear His voice most clearly in the quiet and beauty of creation. From that perspective, I’ve been reading about the number 10. It is the start of a whole new order of numbers and the culmination of the numbers that come before it. That is significant as we embark not just upon a new year, but a new decade, having just completed the first decade of a new century. Ten denotes perfect divine order through time and coming full circle. In this completion there is no lack or want.

Wow! Does that give you goosebumps and get you fired up to see what 2010 has in store? What do you need to see your vision HAPPEN this year?

A couple weeks ago I shared one reader’s commitment to 25 Days of Giving. Day 20 held blessing and power that I believe we could all use in the early days of 2010.

“This is a tough one. Probably the hardest I have yet to do. Day 20 I gave to myself. I gave myself forgiveness and compassion. I spent the day making Christmas gifts and never left the house. I thought about running to the computer to find something that I could quickly give money to but then decided that it was ok that I didn't get out into the world that day. I will certainly make up for it because I want to but I gave myself permission to fall down. For it is in the many reminders that I am not perfect that I find peace and contentment. It is my imperfections that make me human and make me, me. I am notoriously hard on myself and would ordinarily beat myself up for days. Or I would have thrown money at something to cover up my mistake. Not this time. I am proud of day 20. To me, it is a critical form of giving. Giving kindness, forgiveness and understanding to ourselves is a huge part of this process. Now back to giving to others!”

Extending grace and compassion to yourself is crucial to gaining clarity and direction. Stepping out of the world and your daily routine will create space and time for new ideas and real listening. Notice how she had to consciously deny the urge to get “busy”, do something, give money.

Start by slowing down. Allow yourself, in the next few days, an hour or two with absolutely no agenda. Don’t DO, just BE. Take a walk, curl up in your favorite chair, daydream, lie in a hot bath…

Then get out your journal and record whatever you heard or observed in your quiet time. Here are a couple reflection questions as you set out on the marvelous journey into 2010.

What was your greatest accomplishment in 2009? Was there a problem or challenge you tackled or overcame? Celebrate it!

What is your greatest challenge right now?

What area of your life will you focus on this year?

What do you need?

Who will you enlist to help, encourage, and support you?

I am grateful for what each of you brought to my life and work in 2009 and I am honored to go with you into 2010. As always, I am ready to support and coach you as you explore your vision and purpose.
