Sunday, January 13, 2008

Right Now!

Michelle, a Mothering MOMent subscriber, (get it free at sent this: "I am currently in an inquiry about how to feel good in my body. I know of a lot of things that could make a difference for me and I am not doing them. (Sound familiar?)Do you have something that you do, eat, think, drink, etc. to feel good in your body? I'd love to hear what you do for yourself. I want to lose weight and get fit and all, but what I really want is to feel good in my body right now! I don't want to have to wait until I reach some goal to have that feeling and I still want to reach the goals."

Ah, Michelle,such a great question. I'm pretty queeny when it comes to my self care so, many things came to mind. And I am so anxious to hear what each of you are doing to feel good in your body! We are mind, body, spirit all rolled into one. We can't say or do anything to ourselves physically that doesn's affect us emotionally and vice versa. We need to be intentional in caring for every dimension of our selves.

I'm going to get this rolling with two of my favorite things and we will just see where this takes us! I get regular massages. If you are in Phoenix give Dorothy Turner a call at 623.695.8201. You can go to her (there is a great sauna at her house too!)or she will come to you. She also teaches healthy cooking classes and is creating a cookbook. How we eat will definitely be on our list! Can't wait to hear how you all incorporate food into feeling good in your body. Yes, I know massage can be expensive. Dorothy and I barter. I coach her. She fixes me. Exchange services when possible. You all have amazing and unique offerings. Put your thinking caps on and get yourself under some experienced hands, AND allow a massage therapist to be enriched by you.

Jazzercise is the most fun I have ever had exercising indoors! Outside is where I most love to be, but I digress. I wanted to give you the scientific scoop on it so I contacted my great friend, instructor, and co-owner of Phoenix Jazzercise Center, Kim Fullmer, for the "skinny" on Jazzercising. The American College of Sports Medicine has set guidelines for cardio, strength, and stretch training. Jazzercise meets or exceeds those standards. Their motto is "Everything you need in an hour" and they're not kidding! We warm up, stretch, dance, sweat, lift weights, and use bands, balls, and mats. You will get some kickboxing, pilates, yoga, and body scultping. Studies show that people who work out to music work more effectively, and learning (engage that brain!) and moving to the choreography will make you smarter. You can't do that on a treadmill! I must say here that you do not have to be a dnacer or even very coordinated to do this. You only need to enjoy moving to music. Regular weight bearing exercise increases bone density and Jazzercise is something you can do at any age.I love the age diversity in my classes. Simply adjust the intensity to match your mobility and energy. We all know the benefits of elevating our endorphin and seratonin levels. When the baby was up all night, you have a deadline at work, someone spilled juice on the carpet, the car needs repair...elevated endorphins can go a long way to maintaining your sanity and temper.
Jazzercise also feeds my spirit. I have met some really great people there while having fun and connecting with my self and strengthening my body. I love how it is all woven together. I call it God's synchronicity in the world.

Okay, your turn. What do you do to feel good in your body and nurture yourself?


Flo said...

I also use massage therapy to rid my body of those nagging pains. I am more flexible. Recently I went almost 2 months without therapy because of scheduling problems with my regular therapist. And this last massage showed how tight my body had become. I am now feeling better.
I struggle for a regular time to do exercise because of my flexible job hours. So I am now looking at a yoga class on Saturday mornings. I love it when I am stretched.
And the third thing I do is walk in the woods. Last week I took a night walk with a guide through the woods at my local Nature Center. WOW the senses you use in the woods at night. Once your eyes adjust to darkness you can see things around you. Heard a couple of owls and saw the pond we were walking by-and there were not any lights. It was amazing. Using my senses helped me so much to appreciate my "skills"

Shannon said...

In order to take care of myself I take time to do things that make me happy like crafting and going out with my girl friends. I have finally invested in regular baby sitting so that I can go on a weekly date night with my hubby - so great!

I have not made my physical health a priority for a while but I am planning to start taking yoga weekly. I am so excited about it!

Thanks for this post and I look forward to seeing what other people do to care for themselves!