Sunday, February 3, 2008

Repeat C-Section Anxiety?

After moving from Indiana to Florida when I was 7 months pregnant for my first child, changing doctors, going 3 1/2 weeks past my due date, three days of labor at home, 17 hours on pitossin, and wanting to call the whole thing off, I had a cesarean section. It was a horrifying experience that left me chemically a mess, physically exhausted and emotionally distraught. Two years later,I was ecstatic to have another child, but terrified of the process. If you are experiencing anxiety about an upcoming first or repeat c-section, please tell your story. Let's reduce the fear and encourage each other.


Unknown said...

My story is similar to yours, without the move. My first baby was overdue one week and I was determined to go "natural". My doctor was very supportive, having done yoga with me throughout my pregnancy. 48 hours, 2 rounds of prostiglandin gel, 2 rounds of cervadil and 2 rounds of Pitocin later...through double-peaking contractions every other minute, I did not dilate. I was tired, frustrated and disappointed and decided on a c-section, when baby wasn't responding well to these treatments. Long story short, he was almost 10lbs, 23in long with a 15 1/2in head that never would have fit through my pelvis. Someone was watching out for me!! My recovery was rough, and the first few days with him were terrible, but when it looked like my second birth was going the same direction I opted for a second c-section. The difference was night and day! There was no anxiety of wondering how/when he would come, and I was up and around later that day! If I had to do it all again, I wouldn't change a thing--for me knowing what to expect made ALL the difference! Trust your instincts...

Beth Madigan LCSW, ACC, BCC said...

Thanks for your story Keri. I am glad you had a great second experience. And you are right - you are the expert on YOU and you can trust your instincts. Was baby #2 as big?

Shannon said...

I have heard from so many people that the second time around is better. I have only had one c-section and it was really tough! I am not planning anymore births but if one happened to come along, I am hopeful that it would be a little easier!

Unknown said...

I am 8 mos pregnant with my 2nd child and even though both my first was a planned C-section and this one is planned as well...I am now scared of the process! I think it is that I know what to expect that scares me. The first time around, I had my sister tellig me how great c-sections were and how easy, so I had no anxiety. This time I know the pain (the cathedar), the recovery and I am scared to death...