Thursday, August 21, 2008

What Would You Take?

Refugees in Georgia are being forced from their homes with just minutes to gather belongings. They don't know if they will ever return. In this week's Mothering MOMent we are exploring the question, "What would you take?" Please read it and post your answer.

In my backpack would be the photo of all of us at my parents 60th anniversary, my bible, my journal, a small rock that says "Listen - and be led" and my favorite very small, white heart shaped rock. (I LOVE rocks and collect heart shaped ones from wherever I go) This little white one sits on my desk to remind me to stay at the center of God's heart, to listen with my heart, and to coach from my heart. It was given to me by my oldest grandson, Jack. Amen.


Lanette Rajski said...

WOW - this post was/is powerful. It's going to be a round table discussion at dinner tonight (hopefully if everyone's schedules line up). I'm really curious to see what Cody would take. THANKS!!

Beth Madigan LCSW, ACC, BCC said...

How did it go? I agree, it is powerful and worth a conversation or two in our families. Anytime we stop, take a look inside, and see who and where we are, profound things are in the offing!