Wednesday, September 17, 2008


How our kids think about money comes directly from our own beliefs about money. Take a few minutes to think about your own childhood and the things that contributed to your current attitudes and beliefs. How was money handled? Was there “enough”? Were there arguments about money? Were you encouraged to save or give? How much did you know about the family finances? Did you control your own money? How much? At what age? Are you generous? Tight? Open? Secretive?
Read the entire article and post your thoughts, challenges, and tips for kids and money in your home.


Lanette Rajski said...

Beth - this was really, really helpful! Sometimes I worry because money is such a big deal in our home that it's too late for my 15 year old, but this inspired to print off the Mothering Moment and start having conversation. After all, we still have 4 more good years with him, right?! Thanks!!

Beth Madigan LCSW, ACC, BCC said...

Yes, It's NEVER too late to begin having honest, direct conversations. Money is a high emotion topic and every family has a different way of handling it. Let us know how it goes!