Wednesday, November 26, 2008

In Everything Give Thanks

Corrie Ten Boom was a prisoner in a Nazi Concentration Camp during World War II. She learned to give thanks for everything - even fleas. Read the entire article and come back and post your own story of finding joy and blessing in the most unlikely and difficult circumstances.

One of the strongest examples in my own life is my divorce. It will forever be one of the great sadnesses of my life - and also one of the greatest blessings. Because of the break up of my marriage I found my life's work and purpose. I have become a woman I could not have become within that relationship. God has used loss, sadness, anger, and disappointment to grow me and my children in so many ways. I wish it had been different, AND I am grateful. Things are not always either/or. They can be both/and. What do you think?


Shannon said...

I fully agree. It is amazing how the same event can affect two people in such different ways. The key is take everything in life, the good and bad, and make it a lesson. I learned that from my brilliant mother:)

Beth Madigan LCSW, ACC, BCC said...

And your brilliant mother (I LOVE that!) has learned much from her wise and wonderful daughter. Who we are to each other is one of the blessings and I am SO grateful. I love you. MOM