Thursday, April 16, 2009

Shake it Off and Step Up!

One day a farmer a farmer discovered that his old mule had fallen into an abandoned well pit he had been meaning to fill. He ran to get help from his neighbors but soon realized there was nothing to be done. Sadly, they began to throw shovels full of dirt into the pit. The hurt and frightened mule, understanding his plight, hung his head and brayed pitifully. Suddenly, despite dirt and rocks raining down on his back, he realized he could shake it off and step up. Thus began the arduous process of, just a little at a time, shaking it off and stepping up. Bruised and battered he was finally able to shake it off and step up over the lip of the well and onto the ground.

Are you facing some trials? Do you feel the weight of each shovel full on your back? I am ready to help you to SHAKE IT OFF AND STEP UP! You can live in joy and victory.

Read the entire article (after Friday) then come on back and share!

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