Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I believe that everything is life is about the nature and quality of our relationships and the choices we make. Whether you are a spouse, parent, friend, sibling. boss, relative, employee, or acquaintance, you can apply the ABCs of Strong Relationships. We are designed to fit with one another and do life together. You will notice how these concepts entwine with each other - what I call God's synchronicity in the world.

A - ADAPT Be flexible. Everything Changes. No two people grow at the same rate.
"Blessed are the flexible for they shall never be bent out of shape." - M McGriffy -

B - BUILD UP Ask yourself if what you are doing or saying is building up or tearing down. Aim for positive,
healthy, helpful interactions.
"There are two ways of exerting one's strength - one is pushing down, the other is
pulling up." - Booker T. Washington -

C - COMMUNICATE Honest, direct conversation is usually best. Check in with the other person to be sure
you are both clear. If not, clarify and check in again.
"Seek first to understand, then to be understood." - Stephen Covey -

Read the rest of the article then come back and psot your own ABCs for Strong Relationships

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