Tuesday, April 6, 2010

You Decide!

The circumstances and events of our lives have no meaning in themselves. They become sad, joyous, tragic, puzzling, delightful, etc. only when we make an interpretation and attach meaning to them. Since life is all about how we interpret it - interpret in your favor!

If you're experiencing circumstances that have got you down, try reframing. To reframe, take the facts of your circumstance and adjust for a different viewpoint. Shift your attitude. There is great opportunity here to begin thinking in ways that will empower you and give you peace. How is this also good? Find the blessing in the challenge.

If you got a really bad haircut, use this opportunity to focus on your INNER beauty - and that of others too, rather than on appearances. Share observations and compliments about the other person's CHARACTER.

If you have lost your job, use this opportunity to comtemplate how much is enough. Where can you minimize your spending? How much emphasis do you put on your LIFESTYLE vs. your LIFE? What unique skills might you bring to the forefront? What doors are opening as this one closes?

Practice reframing. Start with something small. Choose a circumstnace that is unsettling or annoying and interpret it from another point of view - a positive, uplifting perspective! When life brings you lemons - add some sugar!

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