Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Some of life's very best gifts come to us in the midst of the most difficult circumstances. My divorce, which was on my list of the worst things that could happen, created the space and opportunity for me to examine myself and to learn and grow in amazing ways. It will forever be a great sadness and loss in my life AND one of the finest blessings of my life. Aren't trials and challenges often like that? And do you notice how the things that we are sure are the worst possible - when they happen - are not as bad as we had imagined? The fear of the thing is worse than the reality of the thing.

I once read a story about the brilliant Italian violinist, Paganini. One evening, as he stepped on stage to thunderous applause, he realized there was something wrong with his violin. At first he thought it was just not his best instrument, but soon discovered it was not his at all. He was frozen for a moment, then turned to the audience and told them there had been a mistake and he did not have the right violin. He quickly went back stage and his worst fears were affirmed. His violin had been taken and the one he held in his hands, a significantly inferior instrument, had been left in its place.
Paganini dropped his head and closed his eyes. After a moment of silence he returned to the stage. "Ladies and gentlemen", he said, "I will now demonstrate to you that the music is not in the instrument but in the soul." What flowed from that violin, via Paganini's soul, held the audience captive in its depth and beauty. It was later reported that it had been one of his finest performances.

What music is filling your soul? What longing floats to the surface, gets stuck, then floats back down to remain unsettled for another day? What fear keeps you from stepping out in faith and confidence?

I am fairly certain that if I had been in Paganini's situation; renowned as one of the most accomplished violinists in the world, expected to perform as such, without my beloved and familiar instrument, shocked and furious that mine had been stolen (an extremely expensive one at that) - I would not have responded as he did. I would not have risen to the occasion with one of the best performances of my life. As I write that, I also am fairly certain that I could have. There IS music in my soul. I AM a woman of strength. I CAN visualize myself feeling the fear and doing it anyway. I can SENSE a stellar outcome. Can't you too? Don't you KNOW, somewhere deep inside, that you are MEANT to?

My invitation to you, and to myself, is to stop and take a deep breath, find that centered place of trust and courage, of faith and confidence and step onto the stage. TAKE THE STAGE knowing that your circumstances are meaningless. They don't define or confine you. They are present to grow you. They are here now to draw you higher. Don't stop. Beauty and God's glory lay waiting in your soul. Take the stage and let your music flow.

p.s. It is my honor and privilege to coach you to that place where your soul lets loose the melody it is holding.
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