Tuesday, January 13, 2009

9 for a FINE '09

Amazingly, we are here again - the beginning of a brand spanking New Year. The world is in turmoil, our financial system is in chaos, and our political system is besieged. And yet, there is a hopeful expectation in the air. Can you feel it? I believe God does His best work in the darkest places. And necessity is the mother of invention. If you were laid off or lost your home, you've got to DO something; something different and something right now! If your business is showing the effects of the economic slowdown, you've got to get creative, resourceful, and motivated to try some new things! If you are feeling restless or discontent NOW is the time to stop, get quiet, and listen to the voice of your heart; to wake up, get up, and move up! You already have EVERYTHING you need to be the person you envision and to create the life you desire. Begin the DISCOVERY process and make 2009 really FINE - even downright SUBLIME

Read the entire article here - all 9 ideas for a GREAT '09. What one thing woudl make this a FINE year for you? Post it here and come back often to see what others are thinking.

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