Monday, January 5, 2009


More about Aunt Irma's Lesson. I left out a MOST important part of the lesson as it has developed heart and legs over time. I spoke with Lanette this evening. It is true that Hank neither knows nor remembers the flight down or the great birthday party in his honor. He was, in fact, surprised (several times) that all the birthday hoopla was for him. It's about the servant heart and doing the right thing just because it's the right thing. It's about how we treat each other. You see, the past several days have been hugely challenging - even heartbreaking. Difficult decisions need to be made. Hank is blissfully unaware of most of it. But Emma (Lanette's MIL) knows and Lanette knows and the nieghbors know and extended family and friends know. Love, sensitivity, compassion, support, advocating, planning, and standing in the gap for another are being modeled and lived. And that matters. Oh how that matters.

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